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Team Juvenate


Gauri Shingote RD


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Gauri is a double graduate in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from India as well as the USA. After completing an intense internship with Harvard Medical School’s Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital Boston, she practiced as the head ICU dietitian in Pennsylvania, USA. She has also practiced as a lifestyle and community dietitian in India. Gauri Shingote is a Registered Dietitian, an ACE certified fitness personal trainer,certified fitness nutrition specialist and a certified Behavioral Change Coach.With over 20 yrs of experience, Gauri envisions a healthy and safe lifestyle for everyone, where life is added to years.


Shambhavi Alok M.Sc.

(Dietitian & Technical Content Writer)

Shambhavi comes to us with a Masters in Sports Nutrition and extensive knowledge and experience in nutrition education delivery.With over 5 years of experience, Shambhavi’s enthusiastic approach to delivery of education modules makes her popular with her students, young and old alike.She has a dynamic approach to educating children in nutrition and healthy habit formation.


Dr. Prachee Bohra PhD

(Head of Technical Quality)

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With a Ph.D in Food and Nutrition from University of Jodhpur, India and National Eligibility Test (NET) certified, Prachee adds over 10 yrs of nutrition research experience for community and school nutrition education modules.Her expertise in educating people of all ages in the basics of nutrition has endeared her to children and senior citizens alike.As a mother of two children, Prachee brings in the psychological aspect of children's education.


Madhulika Gupta (PGDN)

(Nutritionist & Technical Design Specialist)


Madhulika has worked for more than three years in this field of Nutrition in a variety of different settings ranging from clinical research, private clinics and community nutrition. She holds a post graduate diploma in Dietetics and Health Nutrition. She is Certified Weight Management Specialist and holds a Masters in Psychology, giving her an added advantage in community wellbeing and nutrition education.

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Kalyani Karnawat (PGDN)

(Nutritionist & Technical Content Writer)

A post graduate diploma holder in nutrition and dietetics, Kalyani has practiced and advocates clinical and community nutrition. With over 5 yrs of experience in the field of nutrition, Kalyani brings expert skills in research and education delivery that has made her an invaluable asset to the team. With a talent in cooking, Kalyani is our go to expert for recipe formation and menu planning modules for clients.


Preetha Sanjeev

(Content Writer Specialist)


Preetha Sanjeev has a teaching experience of over 15 years. She is a trained Kindergarten & Montessori Teacher who also holds a Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers & Trainers. Preetha has a passion for Fitness  & Nutrition and holds multiple certifications in both. She is also a Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Instructor with additional certifications in Prenatal Yoga, Kids Yoga, as well as a certified Women’s Holistic Health Coach.

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