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Juvenate Wellbeing - Leading the Way to a Nutritionally Literate India

Preetha Sanjeev

Juvenate Wellbeing Pvt. Ltd., an all women’s start-up, is a group of experts in the fields of Health and Nutrition. We are thinkers, enthusiasts and outcome changers. We are concerned with the very fundamental concept of Well Being. Our mission is not just to spread awareness, but to educate individuals, from all walks of life, in the basics of nutrition to sustain their healthy lifestyle..... for a lifetime.

Juvenate Wellbeing has been passionately and diligently working over the last few years towards enhancing people’s lives. We have been bringing about a positive change in the lives of people from all age groups… young and old. We work at different levels: Individual Wellbeing, Workplace Wellness, School Wellness, School Meal Planning and Sports Nutrition.

Good nutrition is the foundation for leading a healthy lifestyle. In today’s world malnutrition (under and over nutrition) and health issues are on the rise simply because of an improper diet and lifestyle. It has become increasingly important, to actively pursue innovative methods of enhancing food literacy for children as early as possible, since habits that are formed in childhood are more likely to be carried into adulthood to form one’s lifestyle. Healthy foods are advertised less than 3% of the time in comparison to their counterparts. This always has a direct impact on children's food preferences.

From its founding stage, the mission and vision of Juvenate Wellbeing is to advocate nutrition education to children and the citizens of the country, in order to inspire healthy habits and better food choices. We truly believe, it is not only critical to the child’s growth and development, but starting early is of paramount importance. Early childhood nutrition education, ensures that children develop and imbibe healthy eating habits and grow up to inculcate them in their everyday life, thereby, living a healthy and successful life as adults. It is definitely an investment for a healthier future and a healthier country.

Our dedicated team has been committed to facilitating this positive impact on the young minds not only through our well planned school based activities and lesson plans, but also through proactive support given to the teachers and parents who are the most influential people in these early stages of a child’s life. We understand the need to provide a platform, where teachers at school and parents/caregivers at home can equip themselves with sufficient knowledge and usable practical tips, on the nutritional requirements of their children, the importance of healthy eating habits, personal hygiene and the importance of staying physically active.

Some of our programmes include:

  • ToddNut Programmes for preschool children which provides step by step guidance to children on the importance of eating balanced meals, personal hygiene and importance of drinking water and doing regular physical activity. This is done through workbook lesson plans and activities.

  • Teacher Training Programme that aims at equipping the teachers with basic Nutrition Education, to make the delivery of the nutrition programme to children more effective. Teachers can also benefit personally from these programmes and implement a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families.

  • The Healthy Me Healthy Us (HMHU) Programme designed to help parents take home the complete understanding on how they can set a positive food culture at home through meal planning, keeping a variety of healthy foods in supply and setting a good example for their precious young ones.

We at Juvenate are continuously striving to monitor, review and update our activities and programmes to ensure our mission, to inspire healthy habits, spreads across to one and all. Ensuring we follow strict checks for quality, we are focused on providing you the best information, education and innovation in nutrition, fitness and healthy lifestyles. Our nutrition programmes work towards ensuring a fitter and healthier India, for current and future generations to come.

Creating healthier and happier individuals, workplaces and communities is what Juvenate Wellbeing is all about.


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